Yunyu Kakuinsho question: “signed medical Rx from doctor”

Hi there! I have a question about the medical import form that sounds like a lot of us are having trouble with.

For those who have received an approved yunyu kakuinsho, can you describe what you asked your doctor for or what you received from your doctor to fulfill the “signed medical prescription from doctor” requirement?

I had asked my doctor for this but she just printed out a list of my current medications from my e-chart (which basically looks like a Ctrl+P from a website and includes like 6 other meds I am not taking with me to Japan) and just added a signature at the bottom. It’s not her fault at all, I know that this is a confusing request, so how do I ask for something that will be valid for the yunyu kakuinsho? I don’t think what she gave me will work because it has a lot of extra information and it sounds like you need a separate signed Rx for each medication you are submitting the form for, and frankly it looks like it easily could have been forged.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

  1. my psych did the same thing, listed my meds and signed it, as he doesn’t write physical scripts and just sends it directly to my pharmacy. no response if i was approved yet but if i find out before u do i’ll come back and let u know!

  2. Someone told me that you can also use the label from your prescription as a signed document! Someone from the discord that I’m in emailed them and they said it was alright. (Not sure if you’re in that discord so I figured I’d say something! :D)

  3. Saving this because I have the exact same question xD My doctor just sends prescriptions to my pharmacy electronically so I actually have no real prescriptions in my possession. I’m also due for some refills anyway. I just need to know what Japan wants :/

  4. My doctor printed out a list of all my prescriptions with dosage etc. Then he signed each paper and I submitted that with the other paperwork. Mine was approved after about a week or two.

  5. What you described is what I turned in. Just a print out of what my prescription was, then an “electronic signature” (wasn’t even an actual signature, just her name typed out) and then it was approved. Just turn it in ASAP and if they need something else they will tell you.

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