Authorities decide not to prosecute Nagoya immigration officials over the death in custody of Wishma Sandamali (ウィシュマさん死亡問題、入管幹部ら不起訴へ 名古屋地検)

Authorities decide not to prosecute Nagoya immigration officials over the death in custody of Wishma Sandamali (ウィシュマさん死亡問題、入管幹部ら不起訴へ 名古屋地検)

  1. Are we really surprised though?

    Sadly the family of that poor woman will never receive closure from the Japanese authorities.

  2. So after much deliberation, we’ve come to the conclusion that we’re not guilty.

  3. I’m beyond disgusted, but not unexpected sadly.
    those “prosecutors” are quite corrupt, as much as those officials that murdered her.

  4. Well, she’s brown and from a country that doesn’t really have strong international presence, and to top that, now in the midst of bad turmoil – what do you guys expect?

    As a brown girl myself from that kind of country, her story makes me sad, angry, and afraid at the same time.

  5. This is outrageous and beyond acceptable. Just disgusting slap in the face of any concept of justice or responsibility. Japan gov. as usual

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