How far will the yen fall? Make your guess.

And if possible explain why up/down.

  1. Ah the weekly ‘fall of yen’ thread.

    All the economists out there, please jump onto this one.

  2. It will keep falling against the USD until the Fed gets inflation under control and pivots to lower interest rates, because that maniac Kuroda at the BOJ sure as fuck isnt going to raise rates in Japan

  3. Remember when a few months ago in the 120 range people said to hold off on exchanging yen since it’ll surely go back to ‘normal’ soon?

  4. $1 / 300y

    The war in Ukraine will only get worse and this will keep having a domino effect worldwide.
    If a nuke is launched, then it will get even worse.

    Maybe even the apocalypse.

  5. USDJPY/EURJPY fluctuate within sideways track. If you want to see it as falling somehow, there’s definitely some more space left.

  6. The borders have been opened to tourism so the economy will see foreign revenue increase.
    Surprising how much japan dislikes foreigners, when it’s economy is tourism dependent.

  7. I’m liking the sub 1% home loan rates. GL buying a home with USA’s 6% home loan rates. You’d be paying double the houses’ value over 30 years.

  8. Expect economics everywhere to be insane for the next decade. Basically a demographics thing due to baby boomer retiring across the globe and pulling funds from the financial system. This and globalization breaking down due to the same reasons. meanwhile everyone is gonna be blaming everyone and saying X model is better, blame Y for it. blah blah blah. Most traditional policies will only kinda work.

  9. Usdjpy 1985 high of 264 is a solid target… Considering Boj is run on QE infinity.
    Instead of selling bonds… BOJ will be devaluing the yen instead

  10. There’s no way to guess at the moment as there’s really no historical pretext on to base predictions. There’s a myriad of reasons why this is happening; the USD rising, exports slowing, imports being expensive due to the USD and various Russian reasons, China still in pandemic mode and also being nationalistic.

    If you asked months ago (which I think was), I wouldn’t have thought it’d get worse than 130 yen, but then it broke that and went into 145 yen, which I would have thought the bank buying back yen would have helped, but alas, it didn’t. Unless something drastic changes, I’d say the yen would continue to fall until it hits the floor, but what that floor is? Who knows at this point.

    The most interesting thing I’m seeing at the moment is a lot of international Japanese companies doing new contracts in USD rather than Yen from the start, which is bringing in a lot of money for them when converted. In fact, this is why Saizerya inside Japan isn’t raising prices, cause their international operations are keeping them afloat. Nintendo said something similar about there being a downturn in gaming (compared to pandemic levels) lowering revenue, but because of currency fluctuations, they’re making more in yen. Strange times ahead.

  11. I said much earlier this year, 150-160yen by the end of the year. That was when the USDJPY rate was still under 130.

    This will continue until inflation eases in the US or something crazy happens in Japan that jolts the FX market.

    If we’re lucky inflation will ease further as supply chain issues ease through next year. If that happens we can expect the US Fed to lower rates, US markets to recover, and the USDJPY rate will ease.

    The weak yen gives me no joy and is costing me a lot of money with my daughter in university overseas.

  12. The only answers you’re going to get on here is wildly inaccurate or regurgitated answers from people who have no idea.

    Anyone with actual nside knowledge of the plans of the BOJ and not random guesses that they saw on the news would be eligible to receive a $1M+ job offer from a hedge fund.

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