Applied for Language School, but now my company wants to move me to Japan

To be quick about it:
1) I applied for a student visa starting April/May
2) Submitted the app through GaijinPot and waiting to hear on the Visa/COE for October start
3) Told company I was leaving in September most likely
4) Company gave lucrative offer/timeline to move me to Japan next year

My question is – if I back out of my student visa will I have trouble getting a work visa?

  1. I think the best idea is to contact:

    – The language school ASAP, to tell them you won’t be coming any more.
    – Whoever it is that’s organising your visa and stop the process. It’s possibly your school; ask them for advice with this when you contact them.
    – Your local Japanese embassy, to explain what’s happened and ask them about what they recommend you should do in this situation.

    Since your company timeline is pretty long, this shouldn’t be much stress! But I think it’d be best for your work visa process to begin without your student visa process also still ongoing.

    Congrats on the transfer, clearly your company values you! Make sure your transfer is in writing and contractual, it’d suck to get to next year and have it be “oh, actually, we won’t send you there after all”

  2. Not if your company is honest about actually sending you there. You trust them on this? Then just kick around and come over on work. I’d go to a local language school while you’re waiting, though.

  3. No problem, but make sure to get your language school to withdraw the COE application if it is still in progress, or to return the COE to the Immigration Services Bureau if it has already been issued.

    If the COE is in progress and another COE application is filed, they will most likely figure it out a couple weeks in and both applications would be suspended until one is withdrawn.
    If the COE is already issued the second COE would probably be suspended when it becomes clear to them theres an unused COE issued for that person.

    I think its not a bad idea to ask the language school to tell you which specific Immigration Services Bureau branch it was and the date of application withdrawal/COE return. Sometimes it helps to have this info to give immigration a little push since it seems word of application withdrawal/COE return can travel remarkably slowly within the agency.

  4. Why next year? why not immediately?

    after school released CoE, you have 1 month to go to Japan before it become invalid. if you start the school in October, most likely you will get CoE mid september, so plenty of time to back out now ( but void the admin fee).

    Personally I would prefer part time remote with current company and ask them to change it to work visa next year.

  5. What prompted your company to suddenly make this offer?

    This feels like the “we can give you a raise?” thing when handing in a resignation.

    Still, it may be a good opportunity 🙂

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