Is it illegal for Chinese people to write r18 novels on Japanese websites

Hi, I’m a Chinese and it’s hard to get earnings through r18 novels due to china legal reasons.


1.Is it the same crime to gain profit through r18 novels in Japan?

2.When doing so as a Chinese, which side of the law applies to him, the Chinese law or the Japanese law?

3.Is there a similar website in Japan?

(I am an adult)

Thank you very much for your help!

  1. typically the way it goes, is that if something is illegal in your country but legal in another, you have to be in that country to do it. for example, it is legal in some places in america to sell weed. But if i lived in a state where it is not, and was selling weed on a website based in a state where it is legal, i would still get in trouble because i cant do that in my state.

    If you physically went to japan, then you would be governed by japan law. In china, you are governed by china law.

  2. Same reason why some web servers are host in foreign countries, the law is base on where the person/thing physical located.

    1. If you live in China and its illegal in China, its illegal.
    2. It’s not which race you are it’s where you physically at, you obey the law where you currently are. I’m a U.S. citizen but it doesn’t mean I can carry guns in Japan or China like in the U.S.
    3. What similar website?

    Also using VPN in China is illegal, as I recalled Reddit is banned in China, if you are currently living in China you are committing crime already.

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