I need confirmation that 乱暴 is used in fighting games to refer to an overly aggressive playstyle or someone who “presses buttons when it’s the others players turn”?

My Japanese is still very basic so I’ve exhausted my googling options.

To help anyone help me: in fighting games, one’s turn is when it is safe to keep attacking because you are most likely guaranteed that your attacks will land before the opponent’s. This is usually because you cannot immediately act after defending, so people attacking are in their turn while the other is usually stuck defending. Sometimes, however, the defending player will choose to attack, and while it can lead to a counter, it usually results in getting opened up for bigger damage.

In English when someone does this, it’s common to say they “got caught pressing buttons” or expressing surprise that someone chose not to defend as in “did he just press a button?”. This usually happens by players who are “tilted” or angry and impatient.

I am 90% sure that in Japanese FG slang, people say 乱暴 whenever this scenario occurs, but I want to confirm before I send a custom pin with this kanji to my very irritable friend.

1 comment
  1. As it tends to happen, after racking my brain for more than an hour and finally clicking submit on this post, the term came back to me.

    It’s 暴れ, not 乱暴.

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