how do i type dakuten and handakuten on an english keyboard?

just trying to figure out how to type that standalone

  1. Could you please explain the problem further? Why do you need to type diacritical marks separately from kana? At the risk of sounding like someone on StackOverflow, your glyphs obviously come already combined, like だ for た.

    I’m assuming that you use the standard system of typing in your words with Western characters and allowing drivers to provide the kana and kanji for them.

  2. it’s been a while since i’ve tried, but on the default windows ime if you type in キゴウ you’ll be able to be find a bunch of funky symbols. i can find ゜and ゛after scrolling through a very long list using the built-in japanese ime on my iphone (it even has ∮ which i think is neat!)

  3. I believe if you just write dakuten or handakuten and press space enough times, you should be able to find it.

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