Need to catch up with my Japanese course asap

Hi everyone. I will try to explain my situation. So Im a first year uni student and Im studying Japanese. I really slacked off on the first semester and now want to catch up but I realised that Im REALLY far behind compared to the rest of the class. This course is very fast paced, so if you slack off even a little bit you are screwed haha. Our Japanese level is supposed to be N5 by now but I dont feel like Im even close.
I really want to continue this course but if I dont manage to catch up Im screwed.
So if anyone has any tips on how to cram as much Japanese grammar and vocab as fast as possible it would be really appreciated.
(I dont know if this helps but we are supposed to know the first 30 lessons from Minna no Nihongo already)

  1. How about studying a lot by yourself at home? It’s not rocket science, there are no magic tricks

  2. Watch your favorite Japanese show, anime, or movie. Try to pick out 3 vocabularies for one show. Start building a list and expand on that. If you can entertain yourselves in the learning process it’s hard to move forward.

  3. Watch your favorite Japanese show, anime, or movie. Try to pick out 3 vocabularies for one show. Start building a list and expand on that. If you can entertain yourselves in the learning process it’s hard to move forward.

  4. Everyone here mentions studying which is true, but do you have a teaching assistant you could go to? If so, just tell them honestly that you are really far behind and could appreciate some extra guidance. Aside from just cramming, having someone test/notify you on your progress will help too.

  5. Study one lesson for an hour at least before bed daily. When you study and then sleep, the next day the information is easier to remember. Do this faithfully and you will catch up.

  6. It’s prob a good time to just stop at this point. Beyond the class, learning a language takes tons of dedication. If you’re taking this course just for credit – I’d recommend just cheating to make it though. Otherwise, drop the class.

  7. If you have time, read books and get used to japanese. If you’re really short on time, I suggest creating a cheat sheet full of grammar rules and going over practice problems from workbooks. At least that’s how I study for 古典 (=japanese literature).

  8. Duolingo might be worth checking out, but it has mistakes sometimes, which you can read about in the comments.
    HelloTalk has helped me consolidate points I’ve been learning by using it with native Japanese speakers.
    I also really recommend Japanese Ammo with Misa on YouTube.

    If you feel challenged by a lot of dry textbook study (and who wouldn’t), you might want to check out Animelon. Someone on r/LearnJapanese made a spreadsheet ranking the difficulty of anime on there in order. It’s awesome. Try Shirokuma Cafe first.

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