Will airfare to Japan (from Los Angeles) get any cheaper?

Hi all,

I’m planning a snowboarding trip to Niseko, Hokkaido in late Feb for 11 days. I have all my accommodations booked and all that’s left is buying airfare. I’ve been tracking airfare costs for the past couple months, and they seem to have gone up after the re-opening announcement a couple weeks ago. It still doesn’t seem like there are too many flights leaving from LAX (not sure about other airports), so I’m wondering if current prices are due to the increased demand and relatively low number of flights.

Was curious if anyone had any insight or information as to whether any airlines will offer more flights over the next couple months, and whether or not flights could possibly get any cheaper. Would it be a better idea just to book now and not wait? Thank you!

  1. I’m wondering the same thing. Japan should be trying to add many flights and reduce airfare costs to encourage tourism. But it doesn’t seem like the Japanese government has done anything to encourage their airline companies to act accordingly, so who knows? If oil goes up due to OPEC supply cuts, I assume prices for flights might go up. Too many variables here to account for everything.

  2. I remember getting a better deal around Black Friday a couple years ago, but not sure if it’ll happen this time if demand remains popular after reopening. Flying into Tokyo is an option as it’s about half the price of flying into Hokkaido, but costs may end up being about the same factoring in Shinkansen or flight from Tokyo to Sapporo travel and shipping costs, if you don’t want to carry gear around.

  3. Yes, they will get cheaper.

    Yes, they will get more expensive.

    You should judge whether or not tickets are worth it to you based on current price, not what you think they will be in the future.

  4. Are you following any flight deals sites? I gotten alerts for $6-800 flights on JAL or ANA to Japan since reopening is announced, though they do include having to visit another Asian country. This is for departure out Vancouver.

    Not sure if that works for. Ultimately though no one has a crystal ball and you should buy at a price you’re comfortable with.

  5. Not if you bought them prior to the opening announcement like me. 🌌🧠🤯

    2 round trip tickets for 300 each through Air Canada.

  6. There’s an app called Hopper that tracks prices. It looks at trends for your dates and gives suggestions on when to purchase.

  7. I’ve gotten coach tickets on JAL from NYC to Tokyo for under $500. Prices will get cheaper, but it might not be convenient for you when they do, and it might not be any time soon.

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