Tuition Fees, Masters


For the past 2 years, I’ve been trying to go back to japan and try to get residency there. I talked to my mentor “A Professor in Japan the I’ve been talking for 5 years now.” about applying to a language school to get a 2 years visa and go from there, he said to wait until after the covid lockdown is over and apply as a masters degree student at the university he’s teaching in.

Fast forward 2 years and I did apply there, last week, I got to present my research plan and topic in a presentation and got accepted to the university! Yay! The problem is, the university expects $1600 as enrollment fees until the end of this month, and $2500 until the end of this year for my first semester. “$2500 per semester thereafter for 2 years” my first question is, is this too much or reasonable for a masters degree in a rather not-known university in Osaka?

I was at the same university as an exchange student in 2019, I stayed there for a year, worked at a LAWSON. I do have some friends as well, So my plan is to move in to the same apartment I once lived “JPY25,000 per month rent” and try to work at the same LAWSON as a part timer for starters.

The plan is to try to get a job at either in the university or in a company within this two years and try to get a residency and continue living my life there.

So what do you think? Do you think my plan is reasonable and/or possible? My speaking is good but writing need working. English isn’t my mother tongue so I’m not sure if it’s possible to work as an English teacher, I am currently working as a web developer and designer remotely, if everything goes well, I should be able work both my jobs together “LAWSON and remote work”

I’m writing all this because I’ve been trying and dreaming about getting an acceptance letter for like 2 years by now, it finally happened but i can’t enjoy the feeling because an anxiousness come to me as soon as I saw the fees and stuff. I’m already 25, I fear what would happen should I fail and had to return to my country after 2 years and a lot of money spent. I know I should bite the bullet and chances come only once in life and you should go for it. I just wanted to talk about it and hear some advices etc. Thanks anyone who reads this and replies, best of luck to you all and I pray that you can achieve anything you want and be happy!

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