Running etiquette – Tokyo

Hi all,

I will be visiting Tokyo in late December and plan on going for a few runs to explore the city.

Wondering if there is any specific etiquette or considerations I should keep in mind? As I want to be respectful / not cause any issues.

Tried searching here and in r/JapanLife but no luck. Thanks!

  1. Pedestrians have right of way so it’s pretty easy to go running in the city. GPS and maps and everything is great here.

    One thing people do here is bow to cars, once you get used to it it kinda makes sense to give a nod to someone in a car who yields for you.

    Generally, it’s expected that you walk on the left Side so the right becomes the “passing lane”

    Have fun!

  2. I know this isn’t concrete facts, but I’ve seen several English-language TV shows on NHK World showing people jogging in Tokyo. These were pre-pandemic, so can’t say how that’s changed things. I recall one that had a runners group, and another that showed a sports business where you could rent shoes, clothing, and take a shower afterwards. Might have been from one of those two shows, but I seem to recall the runners going around the circumference of the Emperor’s Palace.

  3. Same as anywhere in the Anglosphere. Take care not to run into pedestrians (yes this is your responsibility) and respect traffic lights. That’s about it.

  4. I also am visiting soon and have similar questions. I wonder if runners are wearing masks outside when they run?

  5. A lot of runners prefer to exercise in the larger parks in Tokyo (such as Yoyogi Koen), as the footpaths can be crowded.

    There are running groups, including local branches of Hash House Harriers, and they often have a soak in a sento (public bath) and/or a meal after a run. It can be a good way to both exercise and socialize, and get some local culture.

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