Regarding omitted subjects: “The Myth of the Subjectless sentence.” An excerpt from “Making Sense of Japanese,” by Jay Rubin.

Hello fellow Japanese learners.

I’m sure many of you saw the [post]( yesterday regarding the omission of subjects in Japanese sentences. That post by /u/ochiterukujira reminded me of an excerpt I had read from a book at my local library that I thought did a good job of parsing through that exact idea, and after a quick stop I was able to find the original book and Author’s name.

The author, Jay Rubin, as it turns out, is a professional translator who has a PhD in Japanese literature and even held a job at Harvard university for a time where he was a research professor in Japanese humanities. I wasn’t exactly looking for someone with accolades but learning all this did make me a bit more confident in posting his work here (笑).

But I digress, after checking online I was happy to find that google actually offers a preview of the book [here]( (via that includes the entire section on the subjectless sentence which is probably only about a 5-10 minute read. I recommend going and browsing the full preview, but if you are having trouble finding the part I mentioned I’ll include direct image links to the pages here for all who have an interest in reading it: [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, & [6]( (Via, although they’re actually just pulled from the same webpage I linked before).

That’s all from me, 読んでくれてありがとうね (The irony that this subjectless sentence doesn’t specify whether I was referring to this post or the book I linked isn’t lost on me, although I’m guessing most of you picked up that I meant the post 😉 )

P.S. As an FYI, the Author does have a bit of humor in his writing style and adds a lot of voice to his work, so it doesn’t read exactly like a textbook which I know some people will like and others not.

1 comment
  1. Also, if you don’t want to go through his book, his work is the basis for a lot of the stuff Cure Dolly teaches in her videos.

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