How do native Japanese people typically feel about those living abroad learning Japanese?

For practical reasons like work and family, I’m sure it’s accepted without a second thought, but for non-practical reasons, how would natives feel/think about those living abroad learning Japanese?

  1. Maybe I’m just lucky, but I have yet to meet people of any nationality who had a problem with people learning their native language, no matter how far away they lived or how impractical the reason.

  2. They probably feel honored that people want to learn there language even if its for non practical reasons

  3. Tell them you want to learn their language because it is the most beautiful in the world, and watch their faces light up! That was my experience.

  4. Nobody care like you don’t see people giving a fuck about other people learning English in countries where it is not the dominant language. They won’t feel honored or weirded out, they’ll be so indifferent to it that it’s not even funny.

    Language is a tool to communicate, Japanese is not a more special language than any others. You learn it if you want to make use of it or it interest you and it pretty much end there.

    Now if you go on a trip there and start to speak like a 13 yo yakuza girl while being a full grown man in your thirties then yeah you’ll get some weird look but they’re not judging you for what you think they are.

  5. Why would Japanese care about anyone studying their language or not?

    Do you care how many people study English?

  6. Do you really think every Japanese person always thinks the same? I‘m sorry, but I‘m so tired of such ignorant questions, even though your intention is probably pure. Long answer short, the vast majority of Japanese people will not think nor care about this. Most people just want to go to their job and go home after. Just ask yourself if you care about people who want to learn your native language. If yes, then you‘re probably in the minority or you‘re a language teacher.

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