What’s the best free way too learn words?

I am kind of a beginner. I have some good sources (from what i’ve heard) for learning grammar and some kanji, but i can barely find any good source material for learning words individually. Anyone got any good sources for beginners? Thank you.

  1. If your goal is mainly consuming Japanese media, I would start with the [Core 2.3K](https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/) deck and then continue adding your own cards from mining.

    If your goal is general purpose Japanese, you could start with textbook vocab, e.g. the one from [Genki](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1742947823).

    If you find both of them too difficult, you can try a sentence deck like [Tango](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1679429599).

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