Manga recommendations

Hey everyone,

I’m currently learning Japanese for about 3months now (I know all kanji and voc for N5 but not all grammar yet). I’m 21M and I love watching anime and reading Manga and would like to start reading Manga in Japanese. Offcourse this will have to be pretty basic manga.
Anyone have any good recommendations? I’m currently thinking of yotsuba or shirokuma café but I hope you maybe have some other series that might have an interesting story.

Thanks in advance!

  1. pre n5 is quite early, graded readers or crystal hunters (manga made for beginners) would be much better.

    even at n4 you would have to look up a bunch of words and grammar points in stuff like yotsuba, at pre n5 you would most likely look up stuff 90% and even after that, wouldnt be able to actually comprehend what was being said.

    You can still try it, but you have to be prepaired that at this stage any native content is way to hard and A(for fun): it wont make much fun, as you can comprehend almost nothing, and B(for studying): its extremly ineffecient.

  2. Ahhh, the days of slogging through Yotsuba and taking 20 minutes to read 「ここはどこだ?」

  3. Get to N4 at least (preferably N3). At an N5 level, a large amount of vocab and a good chunk of grammar will go over your head.

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