Are Body Piercings allowed at public baths?

I visited Japan in high school and stayed with a host mum who was really keen to take me to a public bath. However being British and a teenager still grappling with body image I was wayyy too embarrassed.

Now that I’m a few years older I’ve returned on university exchange and would be up for trying it out now especially if I get a chance to go to an Onsen.

I have my nipples pierced though and really not sure if that’s okay—I’ve heard the piercings might get hot? (This isn’t an issue in normal baths/showers though and I have them pretty hot)

Basically has anyone got body piercings and experienced going to a public bath/onsen? I feel like unless someone inspects my body they’re not massively noticeable unless you’re looking but I’m used to them now so I’m not sure 😛

  1. Depends. Most places and people don’t really care but all it takes is one complaint to ruin your day. Best is to just remove it before going. If you can’t remove it causes it still healing, going to a public bath may not be in your best interest heath wise.

  2. Depending on the water, and your jewelry, it’s possible it could damage them/make them change colour. Especially in onsen with more sulphur with gold and silver.

    Platinum is often fine though. My wife and I could not decide on gold or platinum wedding rings. Onsen suitability was one of the deciding factors for Getting platinum haha

  3. There’s a website called sauna-ikitai that lists all the saunas, sento, and onsen in the country. Each place notes whether or not they allow tattoos. Many sento allow tattoos, and those that do probably allow piercings as well.

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