How much should i be practicing a day?

I hsve multiple questions. How much should i be practicing a day? Should i be doing hiragana and katakana at the same time? When should i start trying to talk with people who already speak? When should i start trying kanji? When should i start picking up textbooks like genki?

All i have done so far is take the hiragana lessons on lingodeer and taken the test over and over again to try and memorize. I dont know when/if i should move on to or what i should do next

  1. do all the things

    a little at a time each

    and reevaluate for yourself what areas you need work on, and put a little more effort on those

    then reevaluate later

    number of hours is impossible to advise – whatever fits into your schedule that is fun and not onerous and fits your lifestyle

  2. > How much should i be practicing a day

    As much as you can, but not so much it ruins your life. Try to find a balance. This is hard! Some people can only practice 1 hour, others can practice 5 hours, it depends on you.

    > Should i be doing hiragana and katakana at the same time

    It doesn’t matter much since they are both really fast to learn, but you can do hiragana first and then katakana after

    > When should i start trying to talk with people who already speak?

    Whenever you want, but curb your expectations.

    > When should i start trying kanji?

    Once you get Genki, you can do Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 without any kanji. Starting with Chapter 3 you learn about 15 per chapter. Once you understand what a kanji “is” and how to use it, then choose some “system” to learn them (wanikani, kklc, rtk, koohii, or whatever you want). You can do this after genki or during genki. But do be careful not to take on too much at once.

    > When should i start picking up textbooks like genki?

    After you learn kana. So you could buy it now, you’ll be done with kana soon. Genki I && II took me like like 7 months to get through but after that things got way funner. Genki I is not too bad but Genki II drags on and on…grit your teeth and push through it.

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