what are these called? They were usually found in metro stations.

what are these called? They were usually found in metro stations.

  1. To elaborate, they were these flaky, fluffy buns with a crunchy cookie edge and whipped cream oozing out.
    They came in many flavors, this was cookies and cream.

  2. Seems like some sort of Shu Cream, or something like that. Would need to look at it a bit better :/

  3. I’m in the US, and the local Asian market has a beard papa’s inside of it, it’s been life (and waistline) changing 😂

  4. Beard Papa’s sells “*shu cream*” which is a japanese take on the classic french dessert *choux crème* which is choux pastry filled with custard/pastery cream. They can be made with a *craquelin* topping which makes it more crumbly on the surface.

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