PSA: Cyclists can now get red tickets for traffic violations

[Starting last week, cyclists can now get red traffic tickets (indicating a serious violation) for traffic violations](, including:

1. Running red lights
2. Running stop signs
3. Driving on the wrong side of the road
4. Going too fast on the sidewalk

Previously these offenses would get away with just a warning.

Those who were previously complaining about all the dangerous cycling might be happy to hear this. Remains to be seen how strictly they will actually enforce it though.

EDIT: Looks like it might be just Tokyo, but it’s unclear to me from the article. If somebody has more information please let me know!

  1. Considering that the police themselves do all of these things on their own bicycles, I don’t think it will be enforced at all.

  2. Very happy, but I’m assuming this will be enforced about as well as the rules for not parking on the main roads.

  3. I’d be happy if only they targeted the morons on their bicycles with headphones on and/or the phone in one hand.

  4. numbers three and four gonna do in ~~every mom and college student~~ everyone in my city, including the cops

  5. It seems like this is only the Tokyo Metropolitan Area? I was hoping it would be everywhere…

  6. They’d run out of tickets to hand to these moms running their electric mamachari on the sidewalk at speeds that could have them cast in the next Fast and Furious movie

  7. One of the most inconsiderate and dangerous things that morons on bikes do is swerve suddenly off the sidewalk into the road, without indicating or looking. Can that be added please?
    It doesn’t matter though, as others have said, I don’t see any of these things being enforced, seeing as cars running red lights is a national sport and that rule is rarely enforced.

  8. Having to ride with traffic sucks ass. You never know when some dickhead truck or bus is gonna rip past you way close and you have a couple inches leeway on the sides. I much prefer to ride at traffic so I can at least see a dangerous driver and get off the lines to the safety of the pavement.

  9. I hope so because there have been so many times where I’ve started to cross a road and a cyclist on the road almost knocks me over because they think the red light doesn’t apply to them.

  10. I wish they’d roll this out in Sendai. Maybe they will roll out in other places if it does well in Tokyo

  11. About fucking time!! I almost killed a kid a couple weeks ago. It was dark, I was making a left turn, the crossing light was green. This kid was riding on the sidewalk, he was riding very fast, maybe 20-25 kph. No lights. I literally did not see him until he swerved to avoid me. I would have been at fault. Crosswalks were not meant to be crossed at that speed. Cyclists should be made to walk their bikes when crossing a crosswalk. I really hope these laws are enforced.

  12. Went for a short ride yesterday to go shopping and saw at least 5 red-cards violations so the memo hasn’t been widely received yet.

  13. They don’t even enforce half of these things when it is a car doing it, I don’t think they’ll enforce it for cyclists.

  14. Going too fast on the sidewalk sounds a bit too subjective to me. How fast is too fast?

  15. So they’re going to punish a cyclist for running a red more harshly than they will a car?

    I’m all for getting bicycles off the footpath but the rest of this is fucking stupid.

  16. For number 4 they will stop a lot of mamas speeding down the sidewalk on those electric bikes.

  17. How about having your baby strapped to you while holding an umbrella and riding a mamachari?

  18. I’d love it if they started enforcing proper maintenance on bicycles. An old lady once plowed into me on her bicycle and to explain herself she just said “Oh yeah, the brakes haven’t been working for a long time.” WELL THEN GET THEM FIXED, GENIUS!

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