I’m wondering if using either my native English or leaned Russian would be more useful in starting learning Japanese from a grammatical standpoint. I will note that I’m not “fluent” per se in Russian (I won’t consider myself fluent unless a professional native says so), but I can read most texts with ease and semi-keep up a conversation. Let me know what you think!
I’d probably go with English. Since the particles have a “straight forward” translation/understanding. I don’t know about Russian but just reading your post feels like English Is a safer choice
I don’t know the answer but I’m just going to guess Russian because it’s geographically closer
English: better resources, more varied, you can use resources made for Japanese people to learn English as well. Russian resources are pretty meh in comparison.
What you can take away from being familiar with Russian grammar: nouns* have case markers (not only nouns, but you’ll find out later), が is nominative*, を is accusative* (their usage somewhat differs from Russian, you’ll find out pretty quickly). Explanations of some compound verbs might remind you of verb aspect, but it doesn’t really map well with Russian either, no real help. For other stuff English explanations will be just as useful as Russian ones.
(Какой язык будет полезнее для изучения японского? Or при изучении японского?)
Well, there are a number of professional linguistic resources on Japanese in Russian, but your level (judging by botchered Russian in the title) is hardly enough for them. As for entry-level, yeah, there are far more English resources available.
The fact that your Russian grammar in your title is incorrect suggests you shouldn’t be considering that one as an option at all. Stick with English.
Neither. Your resources should be in High Bulgarian Creole.