Is 6 months Japan worth it? (for language)

So I’ve been planning to visit Japan for a long time now, as a tourist. Now, I got the chance to visit it for 6 months, as a language exchange student. I wanted to ask if it is worth it visiting for 6 months concerning how much I can learn the language, because I’m sure the cities, nature and culture is worth it 100%, but I’d like to learn japanese as fluently as possible. What can I expect for 6 months of learning japanese?

  1. Needs more information. What level would you be starting from? What kind of school/institution would you be studying at? Would you be doing a homestay or living in a dorm with other foreigners? That sort of thing.

  2. Weird question. There is no better way to immerse yourself than actually living there for a few months. When I studied japanese I chose to not go as an exchange student, but those who did came back with a huge improvement in all aspects of the language.

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