Going to attend a wedding in Japan for first time, what should I prepare?

Will be attending a wedding in the coming weekend, my friend is a foreigner and his wife is local Japanese, so usually what should a guest prepare? I heard that gifting money is an option, usually how much? And I will be attending with my wife together, are we expected to give gift separately?

  1. For the shower, an appliance they will likely use like a bread maker. For the reception, 50k minimum. Don’t be the couple that shows up with only 30k.

    *Typically, guests will give an amount of money depending on their relationship with the bride or groom.* ***¥30,000 is the average for single friends and colleagues*****, while bosses might gift ¥50,000 or ¥70,000.** ***Married couples will typically give ¥50,000.***

    The people downvoting have probably not attended a marriage in Japan, nor even live here. xD

  2. Just my experience: Prepare a few comments. Or ask your friend if they expect you to speak. Gift-wise, for two people attending, I think it’s either 5 or 7 (no even numbers!) uncirculated Yukichis in one of those envelopes with the knotted up wires.

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