JET University Degree Requirements

I’m currently in college studying general science doing physics, calculus and chemistry and I’m just after finishing 2nd year and will be going into 3rd year now. I don’t plan on using this degree since all I want to do with this degree is to use it to apply to JET. I have the option to finish this degree after 3rd year though which would leave me with a Bachelor of Science Pass degree which is one lower that an honors Bachelor degree. On everything I could find so far, the only requirement needed from college is a Bachelors degree but I’m wondering if this Bachelor of Science degree would be suitable to apply for JET for?

  1. The subject doesn’t matter. A degree is a visa requirement, not a requirement for CLAIR (JET’s parent organisation).

    My degree is in Electrical & Electronic Engineering 🤷🏻 and I got in.

  2. I’ve got a Bachelors of Comparative Religion and I got in. It’s mainly for Visa Requirements. As long as it is accredited I think it’s fine

  3. I got into JET with a Bachelors in World Politics. Subject matter don’t matter, baby!

  4. What you have your degree in is not the most important thing. Just make sure to foster your interest in Japan and or mentoring or teaching. Maybe do a course in Japanese or do some community service?

  5. Why would you get a degree you don’t care about? Seems like a waste of money. At least you should have majored in something that was an interest of yours, something to fall back on

  6. As others have mentioned, the subject doesn’t matter, but it seems like a huge waste of money (if in the US at least) and/or time to be pursuing a degree you have no plans of using. Why not switch to a degree that actually might help you with whatever it is you want to do after JET. The JET Program is great and all, don’t get me wrong, but in and of itself its not going to open as many doors for you as a degree will. I’d be very curious what your goals are and whether JET will actually help them.

  7. As stated by everyone else in this thread and on the JET website, any degree is okay! You have people with English degrees to people with Engineering degrees here. However, getting a degree just for JET is kind of a waste no? I’d recommend thinking about what you plan to do after JET and plan accordingly.

  8. Seeing your comment to another poster, do you think you could get some courses for an architect degree, carpentry or something? Since you’re interested in restoring akiya.

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