Moving back to Japan to live with girlfriend

I’d like to give a bit of background about myself before I get to the main topic.

I am a 32 year old half-Japanese/Irish and have lived in Japan before from 2014 to 2021.
I was also born in Japan and lived there until I was five.
I can speak pretty good Japanese, can read ok but can’t write for my life.
I mainly worked in Japan as an English teacher (5 years) after a traumatic experience at a ブラックJapanese company which I stupidly worked at when I was young and naive.
I enjoyed my time teaching at an Eikawa for the first 3-4 years but burned out right about when Covid hit which eventually led me back to my home country where my family live.

During this time I was in a relationship with my Japanese girlfriend and we agreed to do the long distance thing which didn’t last very long initially as there was no real plan and I wasn’t open at all to the idea of returning to Japan at that time but after the break up, I deeply regretted my decision to separate.

I recently visited Japan and met my ex and we got back together again.
I am now very serious about making this work and would eventually like to marry her etc.
I’m now also open to the idea of moving back to Japan as I realized being half-Japanese I would rather raise a Japanese child in Japan rather than in Ireland where I’m from.
I guess the main concern I have is whether I can get a decent job at my age as I know most companies in Japan hire young graduates fresh out of college.

I work at a bank now but don’t have many technical skills besides being able to speak and read Japanese.
I guess you can put teaching down there although I don’t possess any teaching qualifications.
I’m thinking about picking up a new skill such as coding to give me a better chance but of course there’s that voice in my head telling me that it’s too late.

I guess my main question is

Would going back to Japan now at my age be a good or bad decision?

Apologies for the long post.

1 comment
  1. What sort of work at a bank? Also what does “pretty good” Japanese speaking ability mean precisely? We need more exact details.

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