When to go to Japan to avoid wasp(-like) insects

I am looking into traveling to Japan sometime in the future and I was wondering which months or seasons have the most insects. I am terribly afraid of European wasps, especially when they come close to me. I’d really prefer not the be circled by any similar insects on my trip to Japan (hopefully even when eating something outside). I am not really afraid of other insects like flies or bees. I want to predominantly stay in cities but I might also visit some shrines and greener areas.


What are some insects I should look out for in Japan if I’m scared of European wasps and when would be the best time for me to go? I know that winter will probably have the least insects but I am wondering if it’s possible to go during the slightly warmer months, too.

  1. If you mean just *Vespa mandarinia*, then you should particularly avoid late August to late October during their breeding season. If areas already have leaves turning (as with parts of Hokkaido, Lake Towada, Karuizawa, Echigo or Kamikochi) – then the breeding should have already passed.

  2. Planning to go in cities or in the countryside ? I think that the chance of bein bugged by wasp in the middle of a big city is really low, compared to if you are going hiking or doing more outdoor stuff.

  3. So I lived in Japan for many years and I had never seen a wasp. I guess it depends on where you’re going. I lived in the city so that’s probably why.

  4. I went for two weeks in October and never saw any.

    I only even saw one rat the whole time. One! I could see forty in New York or Toronto in one evening.

  5. I lived there for a year and never saw one. I don’t think you need to plan around them.

  6. I grew up in the countryside and I’ve seen wasps nests only a few times (our school and neighbors warned us not to mess with it until it was removed). After I moved to a city I don’t remember seeing them at all.

  7. I have similar wasp issues. I went to Japan in March and it was totally fine in the cities.

  8. I feel the same exact way about wasps!

    In September (mid to late). I usually see a few still in September, but they’ve already started decreasing significantly then and it’s still warm then. By October, I don’t see any at all, but it’s not as warm.

  9. We were in Miyazu near Amanohashidate in the Kyoto countryside in November of 2019, and had the misfortune to discover a HUGE suzumebachi in the attached enclosed seating/garden viewing area of our room at a ryokan we were staying in. It was so loud that I honestly thought there was a motorcyclist that was about to drive into the building or something. Thank god, we were able to shut the sliding doors between the room and the seating area before it tried to fly in. I remember begging the staff to help get it out, and at first they were like “oh those are common, not to worry” and one lady came to look since we were so upset, she was shocked when she saw the size, went back for reinforcements and they somehow coaxed it outside XD we were all super relieved, and I was grateful we were only there for one night lol they mentioned fall is when they are more aggressive.

    I didn’t see a single one in the main city areas (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto or Kobe). I’d just recommend staying in main tourist locations.

  10. I haven’t seen a wasp here and I’ve lived here for nearly a year now, in the southern main island. I go to the countryside quite often and barely see a common house fly, but we do get giant praying mantis and crickets along with the all day and night chorus of cicadas

    It’s best to just go and enjoy and not to worry about anything, because all insects here freak me out and I wasn’t that good with the feeble-in-comparison insects of England

  11. Lived in country side for 5 years and never saw a wasp or hornet. Spent a summer in Kyoto, a summer on an inland sea island, and a summer in the Goto islands off Kyushu. Never saw any.

    Would actually like to see one. Go see the cherry blossoms in the spring.

  12. As your comment suggests,if your american:
    Your not afraid of african giant bees that migrated to usa? And your afraid of some lil wasps?
    Tbf they are big but not THAT big,but in Romania where i live,they are pretty big

    If your not american,
    Have a great day 😄

  13. This post sounds like something I would write! I am definitely going to visit Japan between November and February in the future to avoid the creepy crawlies and the flying monsters

  14. We visited in October and we saw plenty of cicadas but other than that the only time we saw alot of bugs was when we went to Shirakawa-go, ive never seen so many dragon flies and shield bugs the air was thick with them

  15. I think you’ll be alright. Try to wear lighter-coloured clothes if you’re worried about the suzumebachi, but you’ll likely not see them at all in cities. I’ve mostly encountered ’em in south Japan in the summer months or early fall, and they’ve always left me alone.

  16. I’ve been to Japan for a month and only saw one bug, it was a hummingbird moth. I think you’ll be fine.

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