kanji method

Do u write and memorize kanji or u just read materials until its in your head? Whats the best method?

  1. The best method is the one that works for *you*. Try every method you can find until one works better than the others.

  2. There are no studies as to what is better. Just take a look at a few, and pick the one that resonates with you. As long as you can stick with it, most work fine. Some people can just go with learning words without any separate kanji study, some need a bit of prepwork ala RTK, or maybe WaniKani for words to stick.

  3. Personally I think visual and kanji association works for me. Individual kanji can be stringed together to represent something else. Knowing the kanji radicals and how they associate helps as well. Link below is a Japanese/English dictionary that I use to find a definition of kanji that I do not know.


  4. There are a lot of methods. In Japan they learn them throughout school, writing them down a bunch of times.

    Personally, I use WaniKani, a website that uses SRS and mnemonics. You can do the same with Anki or use textbooks if that works better for you.

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