Wanted: Japanese high school teachers willing to take part in a survey regarding the mental health of students.

I am a master student from the University of Ghent in Belgium. I Study Japanese and am also working on my teachers degree.

Throughout 2022-23, I will be working on my masters thesis. The subject of my thesis is the mental health of Japanese high school students. More specifically, how Japanese schools and teachers actually handle the mental wellbeing of their students.

I won’t be able to travel to Japan myself, hence I’m looking here for Japanese high school teachers who are willing to donate a couple hours of their time somewhere within the next year to give their testimonies regarding how they and their schools not only handle the mental problems of their students, but also the new Mental Health Education Program and required mental health classes starting in 2022. Please contact me via mail ([Jolan.Louage@UGent.be](mailto:Jolan.Louage@UGent.be)) or via reddit chat if you’re interested to participate.

Points to note:

* This post is made very early in the process, as to gain as many participants as possible. Hence small adjustments in the research question are possible.
* The subject of this research are Japanese high schools only.
* The survey will most likely take place throughout an open survey with questions in both English and Japanese, but an online interview can also be set up if you’re willing to do one (this will then be in mostly English).
* Questions regarding you and your place of employment will be asked, but this information can be classified from the research paper if so desired.
* In the survey, we will ask you to give a testimony regarding how your school handles mental problems of the students, thoughts on the new mental health classes, what initiatives were taken before and after implementation of the Mental Health Education Problem, Etc.
* There will be no monetary compensation for your participation.
* If you are willing to participate and apply for the survey, your name and way of contacting will be noted down. When the survey is ready to distribute, I will contact you the same way so you can fill out the survey (or do the interview). This will be somewhere in 2022 or the first half of 2023.

Thanks a lot beforehand!

Jolan Louage,

Master student of Ghent University, Belgium

  1. This is interesting because Im doing toxic positivity and how it affects students in high school for my thesis.

    I guess this is universal lol.

  2. I think this survey has a good chance of being… invalid.

    The Japanese teachers aren’t likely to participate because… well, they have no time and certainly don’t surf English subreddits.

    So what you’re going to get is foreign teachers or ALTs responding, and I’m not sure many of them are going to be 100% on what’s going on. The full-on teachers? Perhaps. But you’re going to get a lot of JETs or ALTs who don’t have a complete understanding of what’s going on.

    Anyhow… sorry. 😉 Just my 2 yen.

  3. Japan has very strict privacy laws and the chances of any public school letting you survey their students randomly from a Reddit post are basically nil.

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