A few questions regarding Anki. (Begginer)

I just downloaded GENKI 1 – 3rd edition PDF, and I downloaded GENKI 1 – 3rd edition deck for anki. I was wondering how to balance them out?

Should I learn a lesson in genki, and then use anki on the same day, or should I complete the entire genki textbook and then start doing anki?

How does anki even know how far I’ve gotten in the Genki textbook?

I also downloaded Japanese 2k deck, japanese support, RTK deck and loads of addons I found on youtube like kanji recongizer and whatnot (which I don’t plan on using yet), and after importing the genki deck for anki, it says that it skipped identical notes? Is that okay?

Sorry if this post seems unorganized, I’m new to learning Japanese and using Anki and it’s very frustrating because of how confused I am.

  1. >Should I learn a lesson in genki, and then use anki on the same day, or should I complete the entire genki textbook and then start doing anki?

    Do you think you’ll be able to remember all that info? Do you want to redo Genki again immediately after completing it?

    If your answer to either of those is no, then feel free to hold off on Anki. Please note the sarcasm.

    No, but seriously, Anki is for reviews. Review things as you learn them. I do find, however, that it’s best to review after a few hours of learning something new to let myself try and digest the info. Usually, I make a set of new cards in the morning, give myself a chance to forget it overnight, and then review in the morning. It’s been working pretty well for the past three years.

  2. Firstly, please support the authors and purchase the book.

    As for Anki, in my opinion I recommend that each time you start a new chapter you begin by entering the vocabulary into Anki. Creating your own deck helps to reinforce the new words for that particular chapter. Set yourself a manageable limit for new cards. For example, five new cards a day. You can later increase this limit if you feel comfortable. You should use Anki each day. This shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes if you’re only studying from Genki. This way you will learn the vocabulary as you progress through each chapter. This approach will also work well if you study at a pace of about one chapter a week. These are my thoughts anyway. Good luck with your studies.

    Edit: typo

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