Differences between Public and Private schools in Japan

Hello everyone =)
Yesterday I had a little chat with a friend and she told me a curious thing. She explained to me that private schools in Japan are considered better than public and generally parents want their children to go to a private school if possible, even if they’re much more expensive. I tried to make some reasearches online about this but I’ve found different opinions =/

Can you give me some info reguarding this topic? Are private schools actually better than public? Do parents really want their children to go in a private school if possible? Are private schools really that expensive? Which are the major differences between public and private schools?

Thanks =)


  1. This not at all try, the top schools nationally are public.

    But, there are shitty public schools, and if that’s where you live, then yeah, you might chose a private school.

    But, there’re also private schools that will take kids who can’t get into any other schools.

  2. Yeah actually if anything I’ve heard the opposite: that since it’s pay to enter, most private schools have a wider range of students, and in some ways, because the rest of the public school system is tiered by academic ability and is pretty much as good or better at educating, a certain amount of troublemakers, HS entrance rejects, and such end up in private schools

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