Non-native teacher in Japan

About me: 27, From India. I’ve got bachelor’s in English literature, 5 years of English teaching experience in India and China. (Kindergarten, training school, international school, university- With reference letters) TEFL, CTEYL, and speaks fluent English with a neutral American accent. Also got 15 years of English medium education (has certificate).

1. What are my chances of getting an English teaching job in Japan?
2. Which websites should I checkout to apply?
3. Which cities are better for a first timer in Japan?
4. Can you apply for a Japanese visa while abroad?

A few more things
1. I don’t care the low pay. I want to stay in Japan for a while after my contract finishes at the school in china.
2. For the people who love to downvote when a Non-native asks about job opportunity in Japan, get a life.
3. I can wait. I’m not planning to leave for another 5 months.

Thank you!

  1. My wife is Indian and works for a dispatch company. You will have no problem as long as you can provide evidence of your k-12 education being in English medium.

    The kind of work you can get will depend on the schools willingness to hire someone who isn’t American/Canadian/UK etc. and your ability to sell yourself.

    Do you want to be near an Indian community? There are plenty around, or is it not a factor? Also, it will depend on where you find a job, some jobs will place you or let you have some say in location, others you find will be for a specific location.

  2. Hey, I have nothing to add but I just want to say good luck! I’m sure you can do it if you put your mind to it

  3. What are my chances of getting an English teaching job in Japan?

    Very high, I worked and met with a few Indians in Japan who were English teachers. One was even my manager at an eikaiwa I worked at called Shane English which specialises in British English. I originally thought the Indian manager was from the UK because her accent did not sound Indian at all. I asked her if she had studied or lived there and she said that she had never been to the UK. So if your indian accent is not noticeable then you have a higher chance although you’re still able to get jobs if you do have an indian accent.

    Which websites should I checkout to apply?

    Gaijinpot, Indeed, Daijob.

    You can always apply directly to companies like Shaine English or Borderlink who I know hire ALT’s from different countries. I have actually just recently referred someone from Bangladesh to my company and they got hired.

    Which cities are better for a first-timer in Japan?

    I think large cities are better because they have the most jobs.

    Can you apply for a Japanese visa while abroad?

    I’m not sure about this for Indians. I’m sure the company would sponsor your visa though if you got a job offer. The guy from Bangladesh was in the country when I referred him.

  4. hello there! I would guess if you are a native Indian from India, you could apply for work at Indian International School or Global Indian International School. great pay and if you prefer it, quite Indian environment with a statue of Gandhi at the entrance lol

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