Divorce husband cheating

Hi. My husband has been having multiple affairs. I finally called him out recently after gathering enough evidence. I want to divorce him, but I’m afraid he’s going to demand half of our assets, and I actually have much more than him, including a rental apartment that I bought after we got married. So even if my husband was/is still cheating, is he entitled to half of the assets? I heard and read of some kind 50/50 rule in Japan when it comes to divorce.

I’m also thinking of taking him to court. And I actually know one of the women he’s been sleeping with, so I’m thinking of taking her to court as well. What are the chances I can win cases against both of them for the max amount, which I think is 6 mil yen? If my husband gets half of the assets, it would be a lot more than 6 million yen.

  1. This is the last place you need to be asking for advice on that problem. Consult with a divorce lawyer.

  2. You should definitely consult with a lawyer. I don’t think Japan does the 50/50 split like the states, but that’s something you should talk about with someone who has professional knowledge.

    I know that you can sue mistresses if you have evidence of the affair. IIRC most of the time it ends with a settlement payment to avoid going to court.

  3. Any assets acquired during the relationship that weren’t an inheritance are 50/50 split, there is definitely some discretion involved as you may need to provide payments, bills, transactionary history, accounting.

    Any assets acquired prior to the relationship, or are an inheritance are off-limits, which is the best part about Japan.

    Your situation is unfortunately complicated because you got a good thing going there with the rental apartment after you got hitched, too bad if you were to divorce him it will go away.

    You have evidence he is cheating, right? I wonder how much that will affect the court case into not pulling the rug from under you. Is he Japanese?

    I’ve listened to some Oyajis at the bar tell me ‘she took half’, but didn’t know the context.

  4. Go talk to a lawyer.

    You are fortunate in that Japan is not a 50/50 split and that you have a valid reason (and evidence to divorce).

    Yes you can sue him and the third party but perhaps use that as leverage (talk to your lawyer) where he consents to a clean divorce where you keep what you brought to the marriage.

  5. What kind of evidence do you have?
    From what I know (I’m not a lawyer, and you should really consult with one as others have said), you have to have evidence of a sexual relation, such as text messages about agreeing to meet for sex.

    Pictures of them eating dinner or holding hands won’t cut it.

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this.

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