This book is a bit hard for me and it may be time to give up. How well do you do? (see image!)

The pink boxes were dictionary misses for me

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I read 6 pages and they were all basically like this.

I think this book may be too hard for me…

EDIT: (this is 第一章 but there was a 序章 which was just as hard)

  1. Yep it’s a lot. Up to you if you want to bang your head on it and continue or come back. I read a whole book like that and memorized every word I didn’t know but it took a year and a half. Personal preference whether that particular brick wall is a place you want to bash your forehead.

  2. Words I didn’t know but (more or less) correctly inferred the meaning of: 連峰, 平野, 居城 (assuming it’s supposed to be きょじょう), 交易, 栄華, 様相, 繰り出す, 陣頭, 幻影

    Words I inferred incorrectly or couldn’t make sense of: 荒涼, 丘陵 (I only remembered 陵 as “mausoleum” which threw me off)

    Words I already knew to some degree but looked up to make sure I interpreted them correctly: 連なる, 軍団, 集結, 境, 面影

    火魔 I’m pretty sure the author invented, or maybe it’s an established fantasy term. I couldn’t really find any clear definition, so I’m just going to assume it means exactly what you’d expect based on the kanji

    Learning for 2 years and a few months, but honestly pretty inefficiently since I don’t really do much dedicated reading outside of manga, which shows considering how (relatively speaking) common some of these words apparently are. I should read more

  3. You can probably guess some meanings, like:

    山脈 = 連峰 (from the sentence)

    火魔、平野、居城 (from the individual kanji)

    there is a volcano 火山 (I assume below the clip) and it probably erupted -> 噴火

    But I also know maybe about 20% more words than you in this part, so my reasoning will be biased. On the other hand, even with this advantage, I would also come to think, whether it is worth it (now and here), but maybe later. Reading easier books -> faster -> more books, will give more reading experience in a shorter time.

    BTW: furigana error: 居城 – きょじょう 😉

  4. The first few pages/chapter of a new book can be some of the hardest! I try to stick out for the first full chapter, maybe the second, and see how I feel. I know it can be overwhelming to have so much new vocab, but on the bright side a lot of it looks repeated! Also like, especially with fantasy books…geographical descriptions can be such a slog even if the rest of the book is easy, at least in my experience.
    I had an okay time with this page, but it looks like it’s in a domain I’m familiar with. Is this Dragon Quest? I now want to find the book haha.

  5. I didn’t know 連峰 and 居城 (probably some others too), looks kind of hard but that seems like just some info dumping in the beginning and it’d get easier after the first chapter. Also, interesting that you know some hard (imo) words but then some more common words like 棲む and 戦い you didn’t know, I guess it depends on the type of stuff you read

  6. It’s hard for a physical book, but would be extremely easy for digital version. You roughly have 85% coverage and that’s a lot if you have convenient/fast way to translate unknown words.

    Do you translate with camera/OCR or type manually?

  7. I had to look up one thing. It’s up to you whether you continue or not.

    Some points in favor is that many of the highlighted words are repeated (連峰 is highlighted a few times), easily broken down compounds (火魔), or extremely common words you’re going to see all over (戦場、戦い、政治、突如、末, etc) so it’s not quite so bad as it first looks ans you’ll get a lot of mileage out of your lookups.

    The point against is of course that looking up so many words is boring and discouraging.

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