Are the Kurobe Gorge and Alpine Route worth seeing during heavy rain?

I just spent the few days of clear weather we had hiking Kamikochi and some peaks in the alps, and my next destination was planned to be Kurobe Gorge then the Alpine Route. I’ve been dying to do these for a while, but it looks like we are in for a spell of rainy weather for the next week or so.

I’m currently biding my time in Takayama, trying to decide what to do next. Are Kurobe Gorge and the Alpine Route still worth seeing during heavy rain?

I was at the top of Nishihotaka a few days ago and it suddenly became so cloudy that you couldn’t see anything…luckily I was able to enjoy the views just before bad weather set in.

  1. Kurobe Gorge should be fairly okay since Keyakidaira (lower station) is just about 600 metres above sea level, so unless fog is predicted for Kurobe – it should be okay for the ride and some light sightseeing.

    Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route: you are likely to have very low visibility around Murodo and buses above Midagahara and Tateyama Ropeway sometimes do get suspended.

  2. Kurobe, yes. It’s a dam, so it might look *more* impressive in the rain (maybe anyway, I’m not sure exactly how it works).

    Tateyama, no, that would be a huge waste of effort imho. A little light morning fog might make Murodo look pretty cool, but full-on heavy rain would be another matter.

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