4 Days in Tokyo: Recommendations needed on destinations & places to eat

My dad (55M) and I (24F) are going to Tokyo for 4 days & 3 nights, and I’d like to get your advice on if our itinerary is the most efficient way to use our short time there and would also love your thoughts on the destinations and food places that we’ve chosen 🙂

**Day 1**

* **12NN:** Arrival & travel to Akasaka where we’ll be staying
* **3PM onwards:** Travel to Shibuya (we’ve been to hibuya once before)
* Shibuya Scramble
* Shibuya Crossing
* Shop: Daiso, Shibuya 109 Mega Donki, GU, etc.
* Eat at Ichiran
* Dessert at Sirochi or Sekai de Niban-me ni Oishii Melonpan

**Day 2**

* **AM: Akasaka**
* 21\_21 Design Sight
* Nogi Shrine
* Design Touch 2022
* Eat at Kyushu Jangara
* **PM: Asakusa**
* Nakamise
* Sensoji Temple
* Denboin St.
* Looking for a place to eat dinner here too, open to suggestions!

For days 3 & 4, we thought we’d just go where the wind blows us, but I also wanted to get your thoughts on what I had in mind:

* Would you recommend **Ikinari steak**? My dad wants to eat some good steak/beef that’s also afforable.
* Is it worth going to **teamLab Borderless** when I’ve already gone to the one in Singapore? I noticed some of the exhibits are the same.
* Is the **Cup Noodles Museum** worth going to?
* Also thought about exploring to Yokohama and/or Rappongi on these days.

Also a question on transportation. Given our destinations, would it be best to just get an IC card instead of a JR Pass?

  1. Is your dad particular on having western style steak? If not, I’d recommend going to a Korean-run joint for grilled meat instead; the pricing for quality is better than a chain restaurant.

    No shortage of decent yakiniku places in Tokyo, can look near Shin-Okubo for a start.

    Ichiran is ok for ramen, but unless you have a particular reason to go there I’d recommend just walking around checking out some of the neighborhood shops for ramen – they’ll be as good or better than the chains, and you can support local business.

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