Being ghosted by Borderlink (April 2022)

I’m asking this for a friend. She was hired last year for April 2022 session and was supposed to fly to Tokyo in March end. She’s been waiting for updates from borderlink but they haven’t been replying. She doesn’t know if her COE got through or not and other details too. Is anyone else being ghosted by them too? What should she do? Thanks already!

  1. Nobody knows if borders will reopen this Spring. I’m sure these companies are just waiting for news from the government as well before replying while others are just winging it.

  2. Typically dispatch companies will offer positions to people abroad on the idea that they’ll get a set number of contracts. They will then start processing the COE which can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. The thing though is that until they have a guaranteed position to offer they’ll most likely leave the person in limbo. This is most likely your friends current situation. She may have been offered a job but the company not receive as many contracts as expected and are waiting to do anything until they are sure on if they need her.

  3. I’m having a similar issue with Joytalk😅 I last heard from them in January saying they were “searching for positions” and will get back to me when they have more info. I sent them an email Feb 10th asking for updates and still haven’t heard back. Super frustrated by the lack of communication and feel like I’m not being taken seriously :/

  4. If it makes you feel better, I’m currently working for borderlink and I’m getting ghosted by them, too.

  5. Based on my experiences working for ALT dispatch companies, they usually get in contact with you at the last minute. I know it can be frustrating but I’m sure everything will work out fine.

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