Baby cockroaches help!

So since it started raining these past few weeks I’ve been killing baby cockroaches and semi big ones everyday. I noticed they would always show up on top of the fridge. I’ve been spraying the back of the fridge and the corners every night with “アースゴキジェットプロ“ but it doesn’t seem to work. I would see dead ones laying on the back of the fridge the next day but they keep coming! I always make sure to clean and keep everything neat but I don’t know what to do anymore. I was thinking of calling the pest control but it’s pretty pricey. I didn’t had this problem last year I would only kill big ones that comes from the outside. I live on the first floor in a wooden apartment btw! Please help me if anyone knows how to deal with it. Thank you in advance!

  1. Literally, just made this comment on another post. Forget the sprays. Do this.

    If you’ve seen one and it’s massive you likely have a nest somewhere near you. I know it’s annoying and probably causing you some anxiety. Go to the grocery store and buy 2 6-packs of roach traps. I went with Combat (コンバット). Place them in the corners of your apartment, near your front entrance, and one or two outside your front door. Give it 2-days and I bet that the last you see of them for a while. These traps are poison that is delayed so the roach goes back to the nest and kills all the other roach friends.

    Try this first and if they are still around go on to other solutions. I’ve had them twice, once in both my new apartments. I also moved to Singapore and had them. I did this 3-times and I never saw another roach any of the 3-times after 2-days.

  2. Stop spraying and put down traps. If you’re getting baby roaches then you’re already infested. I would honestly bug bomb the apartment at that point.

  3. I’ve delt with a bad roach situation here before. My advice aside from just buying traps, buy some boric acid. It’s (relatively) harmless for humans. You can even get it off Amazon. Sprinkle it EVERYWHERE. The roaches ear it, return to their nests, die, then they get eaten by other roaches, who will die also. It takes a few weeks maybe, but you’ll start to see the roach size get smaller and smaller until they’re all gone.

    Hoover the powder regularly and replace it.

  4. i’m completely at a loss as to how the hell they make their way into my apartment, literally had to deal with the fifth one this year today. the poison (black cap i think it’s called) def made a difference when i bought it after having had two roaches show up in the span of 3 days… i might have to buy a new batch and put them around the place again.

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