What type of job contract should i ask for?

I received a job offer for a postdoctoral research position in Japan, but the job contract states I will be a part-time worker (非常勤職員). I really appreciate this job but I’m a little puzzled as to why I will be on a part-time contract. Are there any benefits to a full-time contract? Should I try asking for a full-time contract?


Thank you

1 comment
  1. PostDocs are usually not full time positions as it is kind of considered an extension of the PhD study to try to get more publications and conduct more research. Full time employment is only given to lecturers or researchers. You can probably qualify for the cheaper kokumin health insurance, but that is all I can imagine. You could try asking for a full time employment, but if they weren’t offering full time employment to begin with, most likely it isn’t an option.

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