The 15 minute limit of the TV Title really caused some wrestlers to go all out.

The 15 minute limit of the TV Title really caused some wrestlers to go all out.

The 15 minute limit of the TV Title really caused some wrestlers to go all out. from njpw

  1. The sheer exhaustion of having to repeatedly push someone off of you from a completely flat position doesn’t get spoken about enough in wrestling.

  2. I haven’t watched in a while but goddamn last time I watched NJPW was in *dire* need of some 15 minute time limit matches

  3. What if he kept doing that until Goto just couldn’t kick out from exhaustion, lol.

  4. This is genuinely a spot I wish we saw more do in wrestling, especially in the endgame portion of matches, where each kick out becomes progressively more difficult. Plus imagine the heat if a heel were to actually win his match with this spot instead of using his finisher.

  5. The time limit has always added to the storytelling aspects of wrestling subtly. Excellent booking.

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