Best cheap Rental insurance


I am finally signing a lease on an apartment and the rental insurance the realtor is suggesting is very expensive.

I have heard from lots of other people there are cheaper alternatives.

Does anyone have a recommendation on a rental insurance company?

  1. How expensive is “very expensive”? It might help people suggest something if they know what they have to get below.

  2. Wouldn’t be surprised if they more or less force you to take the one they (either the agent or the management company) are offering, even though you probably *should* be allowed to go with a different provider if you so choose.

    “Should be” and “is” do not always match 😀

    Place we are living in now pretty much harassed into using the one they suggested, saying they could not “recognize” (認められない) any other insurance policy.

    It’s reasonably priced so no harm done and I didn’t press the issue but yeah there’s definitely far too much kick-backing going on in the real estate biz.

  3. Generally insurance recommended by realtors are about double the market rate (that’s their margin)
    You can get a pretty comprehensive one from rakuten at about 5000yen/year for a typical 1LDK, cheaper if you sign longer term

  4. I’m really sorry but the owner doesn’t let you choose. You will need to use the one the management company tells you.

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