Help Me Choose Which Day-Trips to Do in Kansai Region (Osaka/ Kyoto)

I’m heading to Japan next week for the first time, and I’ve spent the past few weeks planning out most of my trip. However, I’ve got a couple of days in the middle of my trip to myself since my partner will be busy. I’m planning to use those days to go out on my own for a couple of day-trips, ideally to more nature-y areas since the rest of our time will be spent in Osaka and Kyoto. This is where I need some help: I can’t choose which trips to do! I have 2 full days to myself, and I’ve narrowed the options down to…

* Kurama to Kibune hike (Kurama-dera, Kibune, Kifune)
* Nara (Deer park, Todai-ji, maybe some forest trails)
* Minoo Park Falls Trail (just some time in nature and the butterfly garden looks magical)
* An “off-the-beaten-path” day in Arashiyama (Daihikaku Senkoji, Kameyama, Jojakko-ji, Otagi Nenbutsu-ji)

For some context, here’s an itinerary of the rest of my trip:

* Day 1 — Arrive late in Osaka
* Day 2 — Local area: Dotonbori, Hozenji, thrifting Amerikamura. Umeda and local concert at night
* Day 3 — Kuromon Market, Den Den Town, Shinsekai, return to Dotonbori for Halloween partying
* Day 4 — Day trip to Koyasan (one of my most anticipated adventures!)


* Day 5 — Check out and travel to Hirakata where my partner is studying, see her local spots
* Day 6 — Solo day trip! (Choose from above list)
* Day 7 — Solo day trip! (Choose from above list)


* Day 8 — Check into Kyoto Airbnb. Kenin-ji, Hokan-ji, Ninenzaka/ Sannenzaka, Kiyomizu-dera, Kodai-ji nighttime illumination, dinner in Pontocho
* Day 9 — Full day in Higashiyama/ Eastern Kyoto: Ginkaku-ji, Philosopher’s Path, Eikan-do, Nanzen-ji, Shoren-in, dinner in Hanamikoji
* Day 10 — Transfer to Airbnb in Western/ Central Kyoto. Half day in Arashiyama: Tenryu-ji, lunch at Shigetsu, Bamboo Forest, Okochi Sanso, dinner at Shoraian in Kameyama Park.
* Day 11 — Check out and leave for airport

For the day trips, I’m currently leaning towards (1). Kurama to Kibune hike and (2). a slower paced, off the beaten path day in Arashiyama so that I don’t feel rushed to see everything on my last day in Japan. But… am I making a mistake here?! If it were your trip, which trips would you choose? I know Nara is super popular, but is it worth it with such a short amount of time in each area? Any help or feedback on the rest of my itinerary would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

  1. Personally, even though it will be a bit rushed, you can do Arashiyama including the “off the beaten path” part in half a day, so keep that as an option too.

    Nara is pretty worth it IMO, especially Todaiji. If you expect this to be your only trip to Kansai, then I would choose Nara. If not, you can just save it for another trip. Hirakata to Nara is a relatively long travel.

    Minoo fall isn’t that good outside of fall foliage, which isn’t next week by any mean (I live in Minoo city).

    Have you considered Uji? Relatively short travel from Hirakata, and easy half-day trip that allow you to have some rest between packed itinerary.

  2. While not impossibly ambitious, your Kyoto days 8/9 are quite packed. And there are some real gems in there (Kodai-ji)… I hope you have it not too full to miss out on great moments. for example, close to Kodai-ji and also attached to it is Entokuin. Usually, you will even be offered to buy a 3 in 1 ticket (Kodai-ji, Entokuin, museum) at each of those locations. I urge you (and hope for you) to take those “huh, did not know, lets try it out” moments and not feel like you have to reach the next spot on your list and decline.

    also yeah, see Entokuin when its night time ilumination day and you can.

    Kurama / Kibune is awesome, but its not a full day, especially when you use the cable car, and even when you sit some time in the onsen. check out if there is still a ticket including fare, temple fee and onsen fee

    nara must be beautiful, not hard to fill a day with it (i have yet to go)

    Minoo Park Falls never heard, need to check that out

    the off beaten day in arashiyama is also great. but that only works if your temple fatigue is weak. it would certainly be a unique experience compared to 99% of all other tourists. you will not regret going up to Otagi Nenbutsu-ji, I am actually surprised you have it on your list, its such a good secret spot. but all that said, its the same area as youve been on day 10, and its temple, temple, temple, and walking walking. not saying its bad or anything, but compared to other options, it might be a more … budget friendly, slower, experience…
    also, if you start day 10 early and dont spend too much time lunching, and dont want to have dinner too soon, you should be able to fit some of your optionals from arashiyama chill day in here…

    coming back to kurama, kibune… if you start your day early-ish, you should be able to add Uji to the day.

    and of course nara is always an option

    edit: adding Minoo Park Falls Trail to MY “maybe I should see this” list 🙂

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