USD/JPY 150 Party!

The exchange rate currently sits at 149.82 but it is only a matter of hours before we hit 150. This is a disaster for me personally since my salary is in JPY with expenses back in America but congratulations to all those earning or spending in USD. Will the disaster of an exchange rate affect recruiting JET or international school teacher applicants from the US? Know anyone who is heading back early or just not renewing a contract?

  1. That’s the beauty of coming from a third world country I guess, It can never get any worse. Hopefully something is/can be done about that though

  2. Some of us are here permanently so we really don’t care other than some things getting more expensive.

  3. My visa expires in around 2.5 years. If things haven’t gotten better I’ll probably be going somewhere else.

  4. Coming to Japan to pay off your debts was never going to work, unless you’re from India or SE Asia.

    Might have worked in 1990 when English teachers were something new and Japan was at its height.

    They won’t have trouble recruiting since there are too many desperate people.

  5. Nothing to really party about when the USD is wrecking the world economy by being so strong. Just waiting for Japanese companies to get over raising prices in line or above inflation and see how bad things get.

  6. Yen will continue to slide cause the BOJ will stick to their yield curve control… and we don’t want BOJ to do anything differently otherwise we risk getting into a mess like the UK… so yeah it could be worse

  7. All of my savings are in US stocks so I’ll just sell those! Oh wait.. down 25% over the year? What do.

  8. My current work contract is already close to over, and although they have already indicated they want to renew me, I’m pretty set against it. Love Japan, but I can make 3x as much back in America at this point. I’ll be back in the future for sure though.

  9. ¥100,000 = $666.6666666667 now lol. I know not everyone is enjoying this like you mentioned but dang you can now buy soo many excessive things you wanted by spending soo little.

  10. Going to the US next month. I’ve been waiting to exchange cash just in case it goes down.


  11. Yeah, it really sucks. I’ve got to pay off both my student loan as well as the credit I took out to be able to move to Japan. Losing so much money… ouch.

  12. Wife’s side business earns in USD. Just enough passive income for our bills. But now is giving us extra for savings!

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