May I know if this is legal?

Because of yen depreciation, I was thinking to buy laptops/phones from Japan and sending them to Europe, so someone will sell it on a higher price. Is this fraud by any chance? I tried to find this through google/reddit but without any result.. thank you in advance

  1. Did you take the jp keyboards in consideration at least?

    It’s not illegale btw. It’s just not that profitable once you’ve taken shipping and customs into account I think. Also, shipping large quantities of goods from Japan may be a pain in the ass.

  2. It’s not fraud as long as you pay VAT when they arrive in Europe and tax on any income you earn, I mean this is a regular job, but the laptops in Japan are overpriced as a general rule, the specs on local brands are out of date often compared to laptops being sold in Europe and the US, and after you’ve paid all the taxes and costs involved then you will almost certainly not be making any profit.

    And as others have said, Japanese keyboards.

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