Shibuya Halloween cancelled again this year

For the third year running, police will be banning the drinking of alcohol and actively discouraging loud gatherings on the streets in Shibuya from 28th October – 1st November. Convenience stores in the area will not be selling alcohol. (The bars will be, though.)

Article in Japanese:

There will still be some crazy revellers out, as you can see in this video from last year:

  1. Is this just a Covid thing?

    I loved Shibuya halloween, would love to see it come back.

  2. Is this just a notorious roudy place? Is that why? I’m actually going to be in Kyoto/Osaka area during that time. Would you by chance know what areas might be cool to check out?

  3. Aww I was planning on being in Shibuya on Halloween.

    Any other ideas of things to do in Tokyo area for Halloween?

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