Omakase (And other sushi related Recomendations)

Im travelling to japan with my GF in February, we both love sushi, we eat at least once a week.

But we are from Brazil, and our experience outside the classics (Salmon/Tuna/Some White Fish) is not much.

As we are staying around 20 days (Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto/Hiroshima/Kanazawa), my plan is getting our taste buds up to date, and finishing off with a Omakase at the end.

So im looking for recomendations on an Omakase that normal humans can book(something around 20-30k yen top, i doubt we have the ability to apreciate something higher than that), (or maybe going on more than one if its on the cheaper side).

Also looking for recomendations in other sushi related places in the cities i mentioned previously (Conveyor belt sushi, Hidden sushi places, etc).

I got Tablelog ready, but finding kind of hard to navegate on it, the english version is shit, and the japanese translations are not great either.

Thanks in advance

1 comment
  1. If you can’t figure out Tabelog, you can always just stick to Michelin guide (starred or not starred). There are soooo many omakase sushi places. Any place you go will probaby be amazing compared to your local sushi place. If you have Amex platinum, just call up the concierge and ask for a reservation at a nice sushi place. If you’re staying at a nice hotel, you can do the same.

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