Could I make a lot of money knowing Japanese in America? What additional skills would I need and how could I practice them?

Title basically. I initially just want to learn Japanese for my hobbys. Games, anime, and manga and novels. I feel very passionate about this even though I have barely just started. I want to live a comfortable life though so it would be awesome if I could make good money with this.

Don’t necessesarilly need to be rich…but it wouldn’t hurt lol. Would it help to learn other languages as well?

  1. It depends. In IT or business, an excellent command of Japanese could lead to more business opportunities. Teaching (if you’re in a decent state and decent district) isn’t too bad, especially after a few years.

    It’s all going to depend on what you’re interested in, what skills you have and what you want to do.

  2. I mean my plan is to get involved in translation/localization of different medias. Although I already have connections with video game developers so I’ll already have that foot in the door.

    You’ve got to be realistic though, it’s not a particularly useful skill in America. Translation work is probably very arduous and I’m sure the pay isn’t anything that impressive. But I’ll be able to use what I’ve learned to work in a field I want, without breaking my back or standing all day on my bad foot.

  3. It’ll depend on what other skills you have, and what part of the country you live in. Like another poster said, if you’re already skilled in a field like IT where companies collaborate with Japan, adding Japanese to your resume could potentially boost some things. If your only marketable skill is Japanese, though, it’s a tough market.

    A friend of mine who lives in the Midwest US majored in Japanese, and she managed to make a living for a while doing English tutoring for the families of Japanese businessmen. It didn’t pay very much, and it completely dried up when lockdown hit. Online translation and tutoring is dirt cheap (think Italki), so her only advantage was that she was willing to tutor in-person. Now that’s gone, she’s having to go back to school and switch careers.

    So, making a living? Maybe. Be rich? No.

  4. I think some of the better jobs would be taken by Native Japanese speakers, but if you get really really good you could teach at a university.

  5. 1. Sit in basement watching anime titties

    2. Fill in the blank <_____________>

    3. Get stinking rich.

    Need some help with #2 here, guys. C’mon, help a brother out.

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