Staying at Ogoto for a night, any off the beaten track recommendations?

I will be staying over a night in Ogoto, on the western shores of Lake Biwa, at a ryokan. The next day I will return to Kyoto.

I am wondering whether there are any attractions you would recommend in and around the area. I will be driving a rental car. The idea is to check in at 3pm then spend a couple of hours or so sightseeing before returning for dinner. Check out after breakfast next morning and visit a couple of places on the way back to Kyoto.

One of the attractions that caught my eye is the Avenue of the Metasequoias, but it is a 2-hour round trip from the ryokan, according to google maps. An alternative is to drive up to Mt Hiei as there are a number of temples like Enryakuji, and Garden Museum Hiei although I’m unsure whether that would be worth a visit since it is autumn and the date of travel is very close to when the Garden closes for winter.

I’ve also looked at the vicinity of Ogoto but there doesn’t appear to be anything remarkable.

Any advice and recommendations? Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Enryakuji is absolutely stunning with autumn foliage, so that answers your questions about Mt. Hiei if you are staying in November.

    Getting up early enough to see Ukimido in the rising sun should give you some stunning pictures of a temple floating over Lake Biwa.

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