Opening a bank account on WHV

I’ll be arriving in Japan on a WHV from Australia on the 23rd of November. I’ve done a lot of research on this but I seem to be getting mixed answers and don’t know what I should do.

About me:
I have a Japanese phone number

My Zairyu card will be registered to my address

My visa length will be 6 months (renewable twice up to 18 months in total)

I will not have employment

From what I’ve read and emails I’ve sent and received – it seems you need to either have a job, have a visa longer than 6 months or have been living in japan for longer than 6 months to qualify for most bank accounts (Shinsei bank specifically, the one that people say is foreigner friendly)

I have looked into 7 bank but it seems to not allow bank transfers via SWIFT (TransferWise) so I wouldn’t be able to send myself money from my bank account back home.

Does anyone know or has anyone had any luck opening a Japanese bank account without a job on a working holiday visa? Please let me know!

Thank you!

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