Difference between 行く and 来る in compound words

I do get the meaning of come and go for these words alone. But I have trouble in compound words:

持って行く ー 持って来る
連れて行く ー 連れて来る
迎えに行く ー 迎えに来る

For me all of these pairs seem to have the same meaning :/

Can somebody help me determine what’s the difference between each pair?
Thanks a lot in advance

1 comment
  1. 持っていく—> to take something somewhere that’s not where you currently are

    持ってくる—>to get something and bring it to where you currently are

    A: We need to take a photo

    B: I’ll go get my phone (and bring it back here)

    A: 写真撮らなきゃ

    B: スマホ持ってくる


    A: I’m going to see my friend

    B: Take your phone with you



    There are a lot of nuances with 行くvs来る, but this is the main one you’re referencing here. I suggest this video to learn more of the nuances, though.


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