Why is Japan’s corruption ranked so low?

I’m confused as to why Japan’s corruption is supposedly so low when so many high ranking government officials have been linked to malicious groups?
Mainly I’m talking about the links to Nippon Kaigi, which the former prime minister was apart of as well as the current prime minister, along with multiple other government officials. From my understanding its an ultra-nationalist lobbying group and it just seems strange that such a group is influencing the government
There’s also the Unification Church which is currently under investigation but has also been proven to participate in influencing members of government.

I just feel like based on all of this evidence it at least definitely shouldn’t be 18/180 in the world for corruption.

I’m not really that educated on the subject so I was hoping to get some input because all of this is just really weird to me.


  1. If you are referring to CPI it ranks countries in perceived corruption, i.e. if none of the respondents think corruption is happening then you get a good score even if in reality there’s a lot of corruption.

  2. The media in Japan are severely limited and the western media never, ever call Japan out on it because Japan is a neoliberal ally of the western hegemony. The Financial Times, WSJ, et al are happy to send their lucky reporter to their residence in Roppongi Hills just a short walk to Tony Roma’s where they can schmooze with elites and file their reports as issued to them by the Japanese govt.

  3. Japan is really not that corrupt, especially in terms of day to day life (for example you most likely couldn’t bribe a policeman out of a traffic ticket).

    Sadly (or fortunately for Japan) corruption is much much worse in many parts of the world.

  4. the world is just worse…
    look at Germany where there is a cum ex “prime minister” (Bundeskanzler), who helps banks and tries to sell the harbor to china…
    you have England, where they want to give the rich tax cuts….
    you have Italy, where right wing is rising with favors of Putins vodka.
    i am not even starting with Greece and I am already feeling sad and shitty thinking about this.

    These where supposed to be good countries and fair ones….

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