Lost wallet: Advice please.

I’m in tokyo for the weekend. I lost my wallet but luckily checked into the hotel before it went missing so I have a copy of my zairyu card from the hotel.

I narrowed down the missing area to the street and combini across the street from the hotel. I asked staff at the combini if they had it in their lost and found; no luck. I also have a time frame of when I went to the combini as I still have the reciept.

I have check my room and luggage several times and I am 90% sure it is not in the hotel room.

I am staying near Shibuya but I highly doubt that someone picket my pocket in the 10m between the hotel and shop on a quiet street.

Any advice for officially reporting lost property in Tokyo? I am leaving in 2 weeks as my visa expires. What if I don’t recover my zairyu card by then?

  1. Go to a koban. You’ll have to fill out a report and if anyone turns it in, they’ll contact you.

  2. I’ve you’ve narrowed down where you lost it, go there and ask a local shop where the closest koban (police box) is.

    If it’s anywhere, it’s there, and if it turns up there later, they will contact you.

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